Er zeichnete aber auch für Serien wie "Batman" oder Neil Gaimans "Sandman". Er lebt seit einigen Jahren mit seiner Familie in den USA, in Minneapolis.ɐ1ɝer Amerikaner Philip Craig Russell ist durch seine Comic-Adaptionen ausgewählter Werke der Literatur- und Musikgeschichte bekannt geworden. 1960, arbeitete zunächst in London als Journalist und wurde durch seine Comic-Serie 'Der Sandmann' bekannt.

Craig Russell, Galen Showman, Scott Hampton, and David Lafuente lend their own signature styles to create an imaginatively diverse and yet cohesive interpretation of Neil Gaiman's luminous novel.Volume Two includes Chapter Six through the end of the book.ɐ1ɝer Engländer Neil Gaiman, geb.

Craig Russell and illustrated by an extraordinary team of renowned artists.Inventive, chilling, and filled with wonder, Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book reaches new heights in this stunning adaptation. Craig Russell and illustrated by an extraordinary team of renowned artists.ɑ6The second paperback edition of a glorious two-volume, full-color graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaiman's #1 New York Times bestselling and Newbery and Carnegie Medal-winning novel The Graveyard Book, adapted by P. Unfortunately I am not going to read the book, so I can't give it an accurate overall review (take the 2 star rating with a grain of salt), but I wanted to warn others about the very disturbing, terrifying opening scenes of this book.The second paperback volume of the critically acclaimed, glorious two-volume, four-color graphic novel adaptation of Neil Gaimans No.1 New York Times bestselling and Newbery Medalwinning novel The Graveyard Book, adapted by P. This is a very dark, scary book, appropriate for teenagers perhaps but NOT anyone younger. I agree with many of the reviews on this site and use it often, but I think they COMPLETELY missed the mark on this one. In hindsight, I should have previewed the book and not given it to her, but as I said, Common Sense Media rated it age 9+- so when she grabbed it from me at the library I let her run off with it. I had a hard time looking at the images - so you can imagine how my 10.5 year old felt. The second page features scenes of: a little girl lying in a bed with her throat slit an adult woman laying in bed with her throat slit, and a man laying face down on the floor, dead, with a knife wound in his back. I like Neil Gaiman, and thought I'd introduce my daughter to some of his work ( I realize this is an adaptation of his work - my daughter loves graphic novels.). I picked this up at the library for my 10.5 year old, based on the positive, age 9+ reviews from common sense media.